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| #include <iostream>
void programA_FunA1() { printf("I'am ProgramA_FunA1 and be called..\n"); }
void programA_FunA2() { printf("I'am ProgramA_FunA2 and be called..\n"); }
void programB_FunB1(void (*callback)()) { printf("I'am programB_FunB1 and be called..\n"); callback(); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { programA_FunA1();
programB_FunB1(programA_FunA2); }
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| #include <iostream>
class ProgramA { public: void FunA1() { printf("I'am ProgramA.FunA1() and be called..\n"); }
static void FunA2() { printf("I'am ProgramA.FunA2() and be called..\n"); } };
class ProgramB { public: void FunB1(void (*callback)()) { printf("I'am ProgramB.FunB1() and be called..\n"); callback(); } };
int main(int argc, char **argv) { ProgramA PA; PA.FunA1();
ProgramB PB; PB.FunB1(ProgramA::FunA2); }
但这种实现有一个很明显的缺点:static 函数不能访问非static 成员变量或函数,会严重限制回调函数可以实现的功能。
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| #include <iostream>
class ProgramA { public: void FunA1() { printf("I'am ProgramA.FunA1() and be called..\n"); }
void FunA2() { printf("I'am ProgramA.FunA2() and be called..\n"); } };
class ProgramB { public: void FunB1(void (ProgramA::*callback)(), void *context) { printf("I'am ProgramB.FunB1() and be called..\n"); ((ProgramA *)context->*callback)(); } };
int main(int argc, char **argv) { ProgramA PA; PA.FunA1();
ProgramB PB; PB.FunB1(&ProgramA::FunA2, &PA); }
比如在programB中FunB1还使用 programA的类型,也就我预先还要知道回调函数所属的类定义,当programB想独立封装时就不好用了。
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| #include <iostream>
#include <functional>
class ProgramA { public: void FunA1() { printf("I'am ProgramA.FunA1() and be called..\n"); }
void FunA2() { printf("I'am ProgramA.FunA2() and be called..\n"); }
static void FunA3() { printf("I'am ProgramA.FunA3() and be called..\n"); } };
class ProgramB { typedef std::function<void ()> CallbackFun; public: void FunB1(CallbackFun callback) { printf("I'am ProgramB.FunB2() and be called..\n"); callback(); } };
void normFun() { printf("I'am normFun() and be called..\n"); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { ProgramA PA; PA.FunA1();
printf("\n"); ProgramB PB; PB.FunB1(normFun); printf("\n"); PB.FunB1(ProgramA::FunA3); printf("\n"); PB.FunB1(std::bind(&ProgramA::FunA2, &PA)); }